Understanding the Science of Combustion
Agen will be also using is its combustion system one of many patents. One proven technology in many settings is call The Burner Booster TM. Its patented combustion technology has been in use since 2009 and has been achieving above 92% combustion efficiency and has even worked of many (hard to burn) liquids, some even emulsified with wastewaters. Creating extra clean combustion reduces many costs on maintaining pollution equipment while producing more affordable and efficient clean electricity. AGEN will manufacture, install and services this class of burner equipment for the Coal, Oil, Biomass and Trash to Energy Industry. This advanced system is our, The Phoenix System.
What does The Burner Booster do?
As any car and truck mechanics will tell you, the primary difference between carburetors and fuel injection systems, before 1985, is that the “fuel injection system” atomizes the fuel 10 times better by forcibly pumping it through a much smaller nozzle with fuel pressure being about 8 times higher with some warming of the fuel too. The improvements were significant improvements: 1) gas mileage. 2) improved “pick up” 3) cleaner emissions. 4) less breakdowns.
Simply put, The Burner Booster patented process ENHANCES a wide range of fuel oils to change to a better oxidized (more favorable) combustion state, causing it to perform more like a gas thus yielding “more usable BTU’s of heat per gallon with less input air-like natural gas”. The flame temperature in the combustion zone is much higher and specially enhanced to create the destruction of harmful carbon compounds and turn them into flames;. thereby giving more clean energy.

Coal burning- CO-75ppm Sulfur Monoxide (SO)- 365ppm
Coal with Burner Booster- CO- 5ppm, SO 85ppm
Coal with the Burner Booster produces by calculations from testing: 14% less NOX, 80 less CO, 12% less CO2, 65% less SO and 18% less SO2: while producing the same output of heat or generate a Mega-Watt(MW). Not to mention the coal input usage is reduced by about 16% of the 5% added Fuel oil mix added.
Effects of Emissions
Eric, is one of AGEN’s founders and would like to share his opinion from many sources and education over the years of: The chemistry of emissions and effects on the air we Breathe and the climate.
Sulfur Monoxide (SO) – is 3-4 times more toxic than Carbon Monoxide (CO)! and known as a radical compound when released into the air. Some is H2S (Hydrogen Sulfide) bad choking rotten eggs like odder. Sulfur Monoxide (SO), stays at low levels, less than 1,000 feet from the ground is a very serious lung, neurological and eye irritant. It causes damage to vegetation, human & animal life. Sulfur Monoxide (SO), is an indication of incomplete and poor combustion of sulfur compounds in materials that can result in some “Acid Rain”.
Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) – is 14-20 times more of a greenhouse gas than Carbon Dioxide (CO2). This gas is showing better combustion of sulfur compounds that are present in a fuel source. Sulfur Dioxide (SO2), while less harmful, quickly rises higher with more heat yield output.
Sulfur Tri-Oxide (SO3), which under the correct conditions gives more heat and is less harmful than SO2 and is a lighter gas to rise quickly to the upper atmosphere.

The pictures right on the bottom is 12% less fuel with an 18%hotter flame chamber; resulting in a net fuel savings of about 28%.
By having a rise in SO2 levels and the lowering of Carbon Monoxide (CO) often shows Sulfur Monoxide (SO) levels to drop, and this is evidence of more complete combustion and more heat will be developed.
When the Burner Booster patent and proprietary combustion takes effect the SO2 more quickly changes to SO3 and part of that is known to changes to S2O5 for an extra added level of extra heat while driving Carbon Monoxide (CO) and Sulfur Monoxide (SO), to near zero emissions in some cases. The net result is more heat and using less fossil fuel while generating less harmful flue gas pollution and particulates that also cause more stress of the pollution controls to perform optimum.
The Burner Boosters new “Phoenix System” provides extra critical heat when used in coal burning operations to cause an extra thermal chemical oxidation reaction to “Crack-Open” more energy with less air, resulting in less particulate pollutants. Mercury and other metals in coal combustion will more often fall to the combustion chamber bottom as melted slag or be collected in our ash collection system.
Nitrogen Oxides (NO NO2) NOx are 310 times more a greenhouse gas, plus NO2 Is more harmful to living matter and some effects are seen in smog and depleted ozone.
Nitrogen (N)- the input air for combustion is 70% nitrogen content. Oxide compounds of nitrogen under thermal combustion can produce, NO, NO2, and sometimes N2O5. Some nitrates (NO3) are common in fossil fuels. High NO Levels can be lowered with excess combustion air. This can have a very negative effects unless higher thermal stability can be reached. Inadvertently excess combustion air cools the combustion area to lower some NO but can causes a list of negative events: less efficient operations with heat loss up the stack-requires more fuel to be burned, larger volumes of nitric acid (H2NO3) gases and salts, with often more SO and CO production. There is also more unburnt radical Hydra-carbon compounds (CxHy) to build up in the combustion area and spread to the environment while all decreasing your efficiency. Burner Booster combustion lowers total NO2 levels 60-90% per volume of same heat.
The Sulfur compounds in heating oils, Industrial oils and coals are not the most acidic compound in the combustion process. NOx compounds produce more Nitric acids, 25 to 1 compared to Sulfur acids.
Greenhouse Water and CO2
Eric, one of the founders would like to share is opinion from many sources and education of: Some Information about emissions pertaining to our climate change with relation to water and CO2.
1. Water vapor (steam) is a greenhouse gas. Not many think of it that way, but below is some info:
- a. Natural Gas combustion produces the most water per Maga-Watt (MW)
- b. Coal combustion produces the least water per MW.
- c. Oil combustion produces is between the two.
- d. When producing the same needed heat for power generation = water and CO2 carbon dioxide.
- i. N. Gas- CH4 + O2 = CO2 and H2O (water) = {88 moles water to 24 moles CO2}
- ii. Coal – C38H9 + O2 = CO2 and H20 (water) = {9 moles water to 36 moles CO2}
- iii. Oil #4 – C18H28 + O2 = CO2 and H20 (water) = {42 moles water to 27 moles CO2}.
Because Coal has other elements, unlike natural gas, heat ratio and mole CO2 are adjusted. That’s why on average coal produces about 18%-20% more CO2 than natural gas.
Yes there are other variables on efficiencies and other gases like SO2 and NOx.-That’s not for now.
2. Our Climate is changing from many different effects last 100,000 years; My opinion last 75 years:
- a. 58% – God, Mother-natural changes; sun, earth orbit, cosmos, volcanos and cycles.
- b. 14% – Water vapor we pump into the atmosphere burning fossil fuels- more natural gas in last 40 yrs.
- c. 12%- Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) emissions from burning fossil fuels. 310 x a greenhouse gas than CO2.
- d. 8%- Methane Gasses (CH4-natural gas). 45 times more a greenhouse gas than Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and Decomposition and off-gassing from natural gas wells and gas combustion.
- e. 7% -Sulfur oxides (SO SO2 SO3) that are 18 times more a greenhouse gas than CO2.
- f. 5% – Over population; Rain forests and farm forestry destroyed, more food crops needed.
- g. 3%- Carbon Dioxide (CO2) because 90% is absorbed by vegetation and the oceans.
3. In 70 years there are studies to suggest the planet temp raised a conservative 2.8-3.1oC net change. In the last 70 years studies show the plant water in the oceans have raised about 3-6 inches.
- a. I would go on to say that 60% is not human and 40% is human related. So, we are on the hook for 1.2 degree’s. temperature and 2 inches of water rise in the oceans. While this is “our climate” on “our planet”, we can make small changes to improve, and we should.
- b. So where did the water come from? Fossil fuels! More from natural gas. And more each year on the present path we are on.
4. Do You doubt this? Thake a look at a terrarium (98% closed in fish tank) and with plants and regular sun light growing well. AND now add some more water. There’s wore rain droplets and pooling. Now add some CO2 the vegetation now grows faster. Add the negative gasses and the vegetation is damaged. What we can change the most is particulate soot like pollutants:(PM-10 and 2.5).
It’s that simple! Let’s agree to stop mis-labeling gases and treat the causes not the symptoms.
Let’s agree to work smarter so we can have our 40% of responsibility be less impacting. Smartly we can produce more electricity, more food; in massive acre of greenhouses, that absorb 80% of CO2, produce chemicals, fertilizers and water to help grow agricul-ture from the power plant pollution gathering systems to make useful needed bi-products.