" Innovators of advanced Green-Energy Technologies for a cleaner and healthier environment through the production of “HYDRON-Fuel” from Renewables, Bio-mass & Bio-waste."
AGEN Environmental Corporation designs, manufactures, installs and services Energy-Efficient and Zero Emission Technologies by bringing together its many proprietary processes and patents in: Agricultural growth, Bio-chemistry, Chemical Science, Combustion systems, Hydrogen fuels and cleaner healthier water supplies while reducing CO2 and other negative emissions from coal, oil and waste burning power plants to help save Jobs, Money, Fuel and the Environment.
AGEN Environmental Corporation. Is a coalition of: Advanced Burner Systems Group, Sterling Energy Group, Maine Standard Bio-Fuels, Raelin Enterprises, Cajo Inc, and several other co-working affiliates companies to improve our environment.
AGEN Environmental Technology Group (AGEN), operations are simple, diversified and well-focused to maximize clean emissions, strong profits while providing many different needed products and services through the over dozen patents and proprietary processes. Our; multi-fuel, multi product, multi-business, platform; from using an existing coal/oil/municipal or Bio- Mass waste energy generating faciality, will provide clean hydrogen, not using CH4-Natural gas “methane-hydrogen”, that gives off CO2 to produce Hydrogen. AGEN is looking to be a leader for the new zero emission fuel cell transportation industry. This is just part of one way of: “Making Oil, Coal and Bio-Streams a GREEN Energy” after upgrades using patents and proprietary processes.
AGEN Environmental Corporation can burn cleanly many different hard to burn and often not-clean burning waste and other by-products from different production manufacturing industries like: Bio-diesel, ethanol, paper mill and lumber mill plants and oil refineries and municipalities waste streams. These facilities can now save tens of thousands of dollars per month by properly having their waste or by-products cleanly burned at far less cost. These industries waste-streams can become a new greener fuel to produce more affordable electric energy, and cleaner burning emissions at a fraction of the cost of using new traditional fuels. AGEN’s processing operations will also reduce the costs to sending it to a land fill or other locations while helping in reducing CO2 emissions other negative polluting gasses and toxins into the air we breathe.
AGEN Environmental Corporation has identified four different types of Power Plants in the USA and abroad that are ideal to partner with for AGEN Environmental Technology Group to succeed. They are a: “Bio-mass to Energy”, “Traditional Heavy Oil or Coal to Energy” and “Waste-Trash to Energy”facilities.
AGEN's Renewable Hydrogen Benefits many users-industries" ( Presently 90% of Hydrogen is from using natural gas-stripping process that emits lots of CO2 and NOx emissions)